Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all registered Users who are part of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Health Mode Application, maintained by Health Mode, a legal entity governed by private law, duly registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 49.001 .691/0001-37, located at Rua Joaquim Floriano, nº 960, room 03, 10th floor, Itaim Bibi, São Paulo – SP, CEP 04534-004, hereinafter referred to as Application.

According to the terms of use accepted by you, when accessing and registering in the Application, you must provide some data and, depending on the functionality you intend to use, more data may be requested. However, you have the option of not using the functionality if you do not agree to provide more data.  The option to accept is always yours.

By accepting the term of use and the Policies inherent to it, including this Privacy Policy, as well as by providing the data, you agree with the use of the data presented and declare that these were provided voluntarily for limited purposes.

On the other hand, we are committed to the security of your Personal Data and your privacy throughout your journey within the Application, from when you register on our platform to the support when you become our customer!< /p>

The processing of your personal data is a necessary condition for us to provide you with our services and by continuing to use this platform you are aware of and agree with the processing of your personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy (” Policy”).

You, by accepting the terms of this Policy, expressly agree to provide only true, current and accurate data in the use of our products or services. You will be responsible for damages, direct or indirect, that you cause by providing false data to the Application.

This Privacy Policy contains clear and complete information on the collection, use, storage, treatment and protection of the personal data of Users and visitors to the Application, in order to demonstrate absolute transparency regarding this important matter.

The Application, due to the nature of the Services provided, may access, collect, store and, in some cases, reveal information from its users and visitors regarding registration data and access records to its Site/App to third parties, such as: authorities and natural or legal persons who claim to have been harmed by registered Users.

This document has been prepared in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/18), the Marco Civil da Internet (Law 12.965/14) and EU Regulation n. 2016/6790.


For a better understanding of this document, consider:

Treatment agents: the controller and the operator.

Consent: Free, informed and unequivocal statement by which the holder agrees with the processing of his personal data for a specific purpose.

Personal data: information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Sensitive personal data: Personal data about racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, data regarding health or sex life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

Operator: natural or legal person, public or private, who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Controller: natural or legal person, public or private, who is responsible for decisions regarding the processing of personal data.

Data Officer: person appointed by the controller pain and operator to act as a communication channel between the controller, data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD).

Holder: natural person to whom the personal data that are subject to processing refer.

Processing: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those related to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination , evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

Shared use of data: communication, dissemination, international transfer, interconnection of personal data or shared treatment of personal databases by public bodies and entities in compliance with their legal competences, or between these and private entities, reciprocally, with specific authorization, for one or more treatment modalities permitted by these public entities, or private entities.

General Data Protection Law: Federal Law n. 13,709, of August 14, 2018, which provides for the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by natural persons or legal entities governed by public or private law, with the aim of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

Users (or “User”, when individually considered): all natural persons who use the application.

ANPD: national authority for the protection of personal data is a public administration body responsible for ensuring, implementing and supervising compliance with this Law throughout the national territory.


This Policy applies to all Application Users.

Access or use of the application by non-emancipated minors under 18 is expressly prohibited.

By using the application, you guarantee, under penalty of liability, that you are capable of personally exercising the acts of civil life and that you are responsible for the dependent(s), eventually registered by you, and for the information and data informed.


You, as the holder of the personal data provided voluntarily and/or as the legal representative of the dependent, whose data you have provided, have the right to obtain at any time, upon request: confirmation of the existence of treatment, access to data via the application, the possibility of correcting incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data yourself, anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary or excessive data, portability, upon express request and in accordance with the LGPD, deletion of personal data, information on sharing, the consequences of denial of consent and revocation of consent.

To this end, we provide a service channel so that we can listen to you, as well as clarify your doubts.


The first step to use the Application Services is to register and provide your personal data (“Personal Information”) complete and accurate.

The Application automatically collects and stores some information about the activity of registered Users and visitors to its application/site. Such information may include the URL they come from; the URL accessed next; the browser used and its access IPs ; visited pages; searches carried out, among others that may be stored and retained.


The General Law of Protection of Personal Data (“LGPD”), which provides for the data subject’s rights in its article 18, considers personal data to be those that identify or make an identifiable person. We collect the following data, necessary for the provision of our services, all with the aim of facilitating the personal organization of documents related to health such as prescriptions, medical certificates and orders, appointment reminders, exams and medications, as well as other related information&nbsp ;the user’s health, as described in the application’s terms of use (item 2.1.2)

Identification data – These are the data that identify you and your dependent(s), such as your full name, email, telephone, CPF (or passport number), date of birth and password.

Optional identification data – address and zip code.

Browsing Data  – This is the data that is generated through the use of our platforms, such as: IP address, geolocation data when authorized on your device, operating system of your device, services accessed, interactions performed and your device ID.

Sensitive Data  – This is the data necessary to ensure the proper development of the Application’s functions, related to health and intimate life, such as: sex, gender, marital status and religion .

We remind you that we have no interference and/or responsibility for the data provided, as well as for the content or content of the documents inserted by you in the application, since they were not registered or issued by us and are not yet under our jurisdiction or knowledge.


For users of our platform, we use the data collected to:

●      User identification: name, CPF (or passport number), e-mail, telephone (cell phone), address with zip code ( optional), date of birth and password;

●      Supplementary data: Health plan data, emergency contact, gender, gender, marital status and religion;

●      Historical record: Centralization of your health data and history, thus providing a single interface for you to consult and manage this information. Among the functionalities and data stored are:

      o   Record of weight and blood pressure

      o   Record of medications in use

      o   Record on medication administration (time, record if medication was consumed and adverse effects)

      the   Record of symptoms

      o   Storage of health documents (test results, certificates, prescriptions and medical orders)

      o   Reminders (Consultations, exams and medication schedules)

●      Reference for sending information, reference for appointment reminder: phone, email and device id (for sending&nbsp) ;push).

●      Geolocation: address with zip code, IP address, geographic coordinates obtained via device GPS, when authorized.


You can share your data and/or the data of your dependent(s) entity(ies), through the system, however, being exclusively responsible for this sharing.


We keep your data for the period necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected (i.e., offer a digital platform that facilitates the flow of information, services and products, in order to facilitate the activities intended for the care of your health), comply with legal or regulatory obligations and exercise rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings.


The Application considers its Users’ data to be a precious asset that must be protected from any loss or unauthorized access.

In this sense, we have adopted technical and administrative security measures, such as: systems access authentication tools, software and hardware security mechanisms, network data traffic control resources, to offer you peace of mind when using the application and to protect your data as fully as possible.

In addition to our employees’ commitment to secrecy and the careful selection and monitoring of our service providers, we also guarantee the protection of your data through the implementation of adequate physical, electronic and administrative procedures to keep them safe.< /p>

Even so, it is necessary to consider that absolute security does not exist on the Internet.


The Application will not sell, rent or share Personal Information of its users, except as set forth in this Privacy Policy. And, as seen in the previous item, all security measures are adopted to protect the privacy of the user’s personal information.


In order to access the services reserved only for duly registered Users, they will have a personal password. This password, which is chosen by the User himself, must be kept absolutely confidential and, under no circumstances, must it be revealed or shared with other people.


The Application cooperates with the competent authorities and with third parties to ensure compliance with the laws, safeguard the integrity and security of the Application/Website and its Users, prevent illegal activities, for example, in terms of protection of property rights industrial and intellectual, fraud prevention and others.


The User, when registering, declares to know and can exercise his right to cancel his registration, as well as access and update the personal data provided. The User guarantees and is responsible for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data, and undertakes to keep them duly updated.


By using the services and providing personal information on the platform, the user is consenting to this Privacy Policy.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent at any time. To do so, you should contact us via email


We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, so it is recommended that the user and visitor review it frequently.

Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon publication on the platform. When changes are made, users will be notified. By using the service or providing personal information after any modifications, the user and visitor demonstrates their full agreement with the new rules.

We will notify you of any changes we make, either by sending you an email, messaging via the Whatsapp app, instant notification (push) or by other means.

Note the date of the last amendment to this Policy. This implies that you are aware of and are aware of the terms set forth herein.


We are the Controller of the personal data we process, in accordance with the LGPD, we are identified as: João Rodrigo dos Santos – Technical Director.

Contact us through our email We are always available to answer your questions, receive comments or complaints.


For the resolution of disputes arising from this instrument, Brazilian law will be fully applied.

Any disputes must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the district where the company’s headquarters are located.